Biden calls incoming Israeli PM Naftali Bennett to congratulate

 Biden calls incoming Israeli PM Naftali Bennett to congratulate...

US President Joe Biden on Sunday called incoming Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and congratulated him. An alliance of parties led by Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid on Sunday ousted Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu and ended his 12-year rule. Benjamin Netanyahu is the longest-serving premier of Israel.

"I congratulate Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Alternate Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, and all the members of the new Israeli cabinet," Biden said in a statement issued shortly before the call.

"Israel has no better friend than the United States."

In the telephone talks, Biden "highlighted his decades of steadfast support for the US-Israel relationship and his unwavering commitment to Israel's security," the White House said.

The president also conveyed that his administration intends to work closely with the Israeli government on efforts to advance peace, security, and prosperity for Israelis and Palestinians," it added.

"The leaders agreed that they and their teams would consult closely on all matters related to regional security, including Iran," the White House noted.

Bennett said he considers Biden "a great friend of the State of Israel," according to a readout from his team. 

A right-wing Jewish nationalist and former tech millionaire, Bennett is taking over at the helm of an Israeli government pieced together by an eight-party coalition, united only by their shared disdain for the hawkish right-wing Netanyahu.