NASA administrator Bill Nelson hints at possibility of alien life in new interview...

 NASA administrator Bill Nelson hints at possibility of alien life in new interview...

“The report basically says what we thought. We don’t know the answer to what those Navy pilots saw but they know that they know something”, Nelson told CNN this week.

“They tracked it and locked their radar on to it. It moved quickly from one location to another”, he added.

The classified report mentions Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) but fails to identify the objects and is largely inconclusive. “The report tells us that there have been 140 of these sightings”, Nelson said while adding that NASA scientists are currently assessing the footage from a scientific point of view. 

“My feeling is that there is clearly something there. It may not be an extraterrestrial [object]”, he added while suggesting that these aircraft could belong to the adversaries of US, which he called extremely concerning. 

The NASA administrator talked about the agency’s ongoing programmes that focus on finding extraterrestrial life, while suggesting that they could find no technology linking the objects to alien life.

“People are hungry to know”, Nelson said while referring to the Navy videos which caused a fury on social media and ignited global interest in aliens potentially lurking in the shadows. 

“Are we alone? Personally, I don’t think we are”, Nelson said while stressing on the vastness of the universe. 

On the possibility of alien life elsewhere in the universe, Nelson spoke about recent evidence of conditions necessary for life to persist. “We are already finding examples of other planets around other suns”, he said.

Speaking briefly about the upcoming November launch of the James Webb Telescope, Nelson said that the tech “will peek back in time… almost to the beginning”, which could answer a lot of questions about the formation of our solar system and perhaps the universe itself.