India Celebrating His 75th Anniversary of Independence Day....on 15th August 2K21....


15TH AUGUST 2021...

Independent India has a long history of freedom struggle and this day also marks the anniversary of undivided India’s partition into India and Pakistan.

Independence Day 2021: On 15th August 1947, India got its freedom, ending an almost 200-year British rule in the subcontinent. It is a day of immense pride for all Indians as we commemorate the sacrifices made by millions of our freedom fighters, who had sacrificed their lives in the freedom struggle and with their unfaltering grit and patriotism, forced the British empire to finally retreat.

Besides, August 15 also marks the anniversary of undivided India’s partition into India and Pakistan, which took place on August 14-15 in 1947. Let’s not forget our roots and our history which led to this significant day.

History & Significance:-

India had a long battle and we are here celebrating the independence only due to the selfless sacrifices and headstrong commitment to Azad(free) India by our great freedom fighters. It all began with the Battle of Plassey in 1757 when the British got control over India and the East India Company began ruling in our country – often referred to as British Raj. The rule and slavery persisted for about a century. Our first attempt to get freedom in 1957 yielded no result and yet, Indians did not lose their heart and continued to strive and fight for the country’s independence. 

The struggle, the hardship and the non-violence campaigns during the freedom struggle are remembered to date across the globe. People across the world were inspired by India’s unfaltering march to independence. Some of the great freedom fighters of India, whose courage and patriotism continue to inspire us to work for a prosperous and even stronger India, include legends like Mahatma Gandhi, Rani Lakshmi Bai, Bhagat Singh, Mangal Pandey, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Subhas Chandra Bose and hundreds and thousands more.

We have also had iconic leaders who strongly believed that “a pen is mightier than a sword” and wrote to freedom like Sarojini Naidu, B.R. Ambedkar, Rabindranath Tagore, Jyotibai Phule and many more.

It was an equal contribution of everyone – people who participated in wars, people who wrote about the discrimination and the injustice, people who participated in all manner – no matter how huge or small their contribution was. It was the collective effort of millions of people that led us to the path of independence!On the eve of India’s independence, Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime minister, had said in his “Tryst with destiny” speech – “At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.”

Significance of the Tri-colour

Every year, on Independence Day, the Prime Minister of India hoists the national flag at Delhi’s historic old Red Fort monument and makes an address to the nation, which is followed by a military parade. The President of India also then delivers a speech. In honour of the occasion, twenty-one gun shots are fired on this day every year.

The tri-colour flag flies highest in the sky, signifying that we now live in a Swatantra Bharath (Independent India).

The colours of our national flag have a great significance and a profound meaning. Did you know the national flag was adopted in its present form during the meeting of Constituent Assembly held on the 22 July 1947, twenty-three days before India’s Independence on August 15, 1947? Interestingly, the flag is made from khadi which is domestically spun Indian cotton as a symbol of nationalism and freedom.

Check out its significance here:

Kesari (Saffron)

This colour, which is at the top, represents strength and courage of the country.


The white colour of our flag indicates honesty, purity, peace of the nation.

Ashoka Chakra

The Ashoka Chakra is rendered in navy blue on a white background replacing the symbol of the charkha of the pre-independence version of the flag. The chakra signifies that there is life in movement and death in stagnation. It has 24 equally spaced stokes.


  • The green colour at the bottom indicates prosperity, growth and fertility of the land.

India Celebrating 75th Independence Day This Year?

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently launched ‘Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav’ on 12 March 2021 in Gujarat to commemorate India’s 75 years of Independence. Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav is basically a series of events that began on March 12, to mark the 75-week countdown to the nation’s 75th Independence Day. The Mahotsav will conclude only on 15th August 2023.

    The significance of the event is to emphasise on India’s glorious history and showcase India’s development since Independence. Besides, as per the reports, according to the format set by the government, a program will be held every week under the ‘Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav’, in which, apart from the ministry of culture, more ministries will participate in the event. Moreover, programs will also be organised in all the Indian embassies outside the country.

    However, one thing remains unanswered. Well, several official websites have quoted 2021 as the 75th Independence Day whereas the Government of India is seen planning on celebrating 75th independence day in 2022. According to the official website of ‘Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav’, the Ministry of Culture, Government of India said that the celebrations of 75th Independence Day will be on 15th August 2022. Yet the official handles of Independence Day have 15th August 2021 as their 75th Independence Day.

    If we go by simple mathematic calculation, India attained her freedom in 1947 and if take this as the base year:

    2021-1947= 74

    So in this sense, we will be celebrating 74th Independence Day. However, if we begin to consider 15th August 1947 as the first day of independence, then we will celebrate this year as the 75th Independence Day. According to Know India: National Portal of India, India will be celebrating its 75th Independence Day in 2021.

  • For the freedom of Mother India , the great man of our freedom by sacrificing his life , on the new dawn of independence , on 15 August 1947 , the whole of India was declared free.

  • Hundreds of salutes to the brave hearts of our country : JAI HIND ||

  •                                         " Ae mere vatan ke logon
                                    Tum khub laga lo naara
                               Yeh shubh din hai ham sab kaa
                                    Lehra lo tiranga pyaara "

  • For the freedom of our country, the knights who gave even a breath of peace of our freedom to Mother India for our freedom.

  • Our breath to the sacrifice of these knights will be their rind for                                     our coming generations too.
  • Now , Let us celebrate independence with the memory of the                                             brave hearts of India.
  • And try to connect their new generation with their our indian                      freedom fighters sacrifices towards our country....
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