Modi in America: Why China dominates Quad talks....

 Modi in America: Why China dominates Quad talks....

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the US for the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) is being analysed more in terms of Quad talks than the UN conference. At the centre of the Quad talks is China.

Quad stands for Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, what India describes as a "plurilateral" arrangement for addressing the strategic issues in the Indo-Pacific region.

The group was conceived in 2007 but it got a serious attention of Quad leaders only around 2017 with China asserting its dominance in South China Sea, the Pacific, the Indian Ocean region, and also along the borders with India.

The Quad meeting in the US involving the head of states of the four countries is the second summit-level meeting of the leaders in little over six months. But why were Quad nations forced to collaborate on China-centric agenda?


World War II was a watershed event for nation-state building across the globe. Colonial powers withdrew from scores of nations recognising their territorial sovereignty. Communist China emerged around the same time and announced its arrival with a major sovereign transgression in Tibet. Since then, China's streak of challenging sovereignty has continued.

India is one of the victims of China's state policy of transgressing sovereignty of other countries. Besides India, China has territorial disputes with at least 17 other countries, and in all these cases China is the aggressor.

China's aggression in the Indo-Pacific region is both territorial and maritime. It has challenged the sovereignty over land of countries such as India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos and Mongolia besides annexing Tibet.

On seas and oceans, China has disregarded sovereignty of countries such as Taiwan, Philippines, Japan, North Korea (a friend of China), South Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and Singapore. In fact, Singapore's prime minister wrote an article in 2019 arguing that America's military presence in the Indo-Pacific region was "vital" for peace.

The US has no territorial claim in the region but it is hugely invested for geo-strategic reasons in the Indo-Pacific. The US has undertaken several naval operations in the South China Sea to assert the international understanding of Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPs). China claims sole sovereignty over the South China Sea.

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In the days of the Cold War, the US and the Russia (erstwhile USSR) tried to 'lure' their allies with financial and military aid. In contrast, China punishes its allies, it considers as errant even for expressing disagreement over a Chinese policy.

Australia has become a classic example. For long, Australia did not give much weightage to the Quad as its ties with China were deep. China emerged as a major source of revenue becoming the biggest export destination from Australia.

However, their relation practically broke down after Australia questioned China for its handling of the coronavirus outbreak in 2019 and demanded last year a fair probe into the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic.

China not only responded in a harsh tone to Australian political leadership but banned key imports from Australia. Reports said the China's blacklist of Australian imports were not issued in an official notification but "delivered verbally to commodity traders".

It stopped import of coal, copper, timber, barley, sugar, wine and even lobster from Australia. Exceptions were iron ore and natural gas, possibly because a ban on these items might have impacted China's manufacturing hubs.

As Australia complained about it, a Chinese spokesperson justified China's 'punishing act' saying, "We will not allow any country to reap benefits from doing business with China while groundlessly accusing and smearing China and undermining China's core interests based on ideology."

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While the entire international community tried to build pressure on Pakistan for reversing its state policy of sponsoring terrorism and a terror financing watchdog, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), moved to constrict availability of fund to Pakistan over its support for terrorism, China came to its rescue multiple times. Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has acknowledged "timely" Chinese help in keeping the country's economy afloat.

Similarly, China for long has shielded North Korea and helped the country evade international sanctions. Since 1990s, China has multiple times vetoed proposal in the UN for investigation into the atomic programme of North Korea.

Now, China has emerged as a supporter of the Taliban, a UN-sanctioned terror group in Afghanistan. Taliban pose a serious threat to peace not only in the South Asia but also elsewhere. Its patronage of al-Qaeda is too well known.


The rule of law emerged as the guiding principle in the post-World War era. China is said to be the only major power to prefer expediency over principles in diplomacy. Its engagement with the Taliban is the latest point in case.

In exchange for a promise of non-interference in its restive Xinjiang province, China extended support to the Taliban. China even hosted top Taliban leaders in Beijing not long before the terror group captured Afghanistan.

China has been successful in enforcing its own view on other countries including big powers such as Russia, with whom it has settled border disputes through a series of agreements between 1991 and 2005 - the period during which Russian influenced declined and China was on ascension.

Russia, in fact, bought peace with China by ceding territories. It gave up Amur, Argun, and Ussuri rivers, and Damansky Island (China renamed it as Zhenbao) and Bolshoi Ussurisky or Bear Island (China renamed it as Heixiazi Dao) among others.

The Quad grouping is essentially against this Chinese hegemony where the Chinese Communist Party under its current leader Xi Jinping attempts to create a new order that benefits China at the cost of other nations.