Biology ⚛️๐Ÿงช๐Ÿง‘‍๐Ÿ”ฌ⚛ [Best Ever Notes]



                   DATA WE SHOULD NOT FORGET...


 1: Number of bones: 206

 2: Number of muscles: 639-650

 3: Number of kidneys: 2

 4: Number of milk teeth: 20

 5: Number of ribs: 24 (12 pairs)

 6: Number of chambers of the heart: 4

 7: Largest artery: Aorta

 8: Normal blood pressure: 120/80 mmHg

 9: Blood pH: 7.35 - 7.45

 10: Number of vertebrae in the spine: 33

 11: Number of vertebrae in the neck: 7

 12: Number of bones in the middle ear: 6

 13: Number of bones in the face: 14

 14: Number of bones in skull: 22

 15: Number of bones in the chest: 25

 16: Number of bones in arms: 6

 17: Number of muscles in the human arm: 72

 18: Number of pumps in the heart: 2

 19: Largest Organ: Skin

 20: Largest gland: Liver

 21: Largest cell: female oocyte

 22: Smallest cell: Male sperm

 23: Smallest bone: Stapes (Lenticular)

 24: First transplanted organ: Kidney

 25: Mean length of small intestine: 7m

 26: Mean length of large intestine: 1.5 m

 27: Average newborn baby weight: 3 kg

 28: Pulse rate in one minute: 72 times

 29: Normal body temperature: 37 C° (98.4 f°)

 30: Average blood volume: 4 to 5 LITERS

 31: Red blood cell life span: 120 days

 32: White blood cell life span: from hours to years

 33: Pregnancy period: 280 days (40 weeks)

 34: Number of bones in the human foot: 26

 35: Number of bones in each wrist: 8

 36: Number of bones in the hand: 27

 37: Largest endocrine gland: Thyroid

 38: Largest lymphatic organ: Spleen

 39: Largest part of the brain: cerebrum

 40: Largest and strongest bone: Femur

 41: Smallest muscle: Stapedius (middle ear)

 42: Number of chromosomes: 46 (23 pairs)

 43: Number of bones in the newborn baby: 306

 44: Blood viscosity: 4.5 to 5.5

 45: Universal donor blood group: O

 46: Universal Recipient Blood Group: AB

 47: Largest white blood cell: Monocyte

 48: Smallest White Blood Cell: Lymphocytes

 49: Increased red blood cells: Polycythemia

 50: Blood bank in the body: Spleen

 51: The non-nucleated blood cell: Red Blood Cell

 52: Place of blood production: Red bone marrow

 53: River of Life: Blood

 54: Normal blood cholesterol level: 100-180 mg/dL

 55: Fluid part of the blood: Blood Plasma